Project Description
Creation of a master plan through the park design process and phase 1 development. The project tasks consist of the following:
- Site Inventory and Analysis
- Data Gathering and Analysis
- Public Input Process
- Programming
- ADA Compliance review and recommendations
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) recommendations
- Conceptual Master Planning Alternatives
- Preliminary Master Plan
- Phasing Determination
- Permitting
- Phase 1 construction oversight
Project Location
Lake Betty Park
2215 Conway Blvd.
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Latest Updates
Two public meetings have been held to gather community feedback on the design concept. 60% design plans are complete and funding has been allocated for permitting and construction oversight of phase 1. Johnson Engineering should be ready to begin the permitting process by 12/1/21.
Permit applications will be submitted the week of 12/13/2021.
Permits have been submitted to all required agencies and electrical design is currently under way for parking lot lighting.
Documents for construction bids have been submitted to Purchasing.
Bid documents are out to the public and bids are due back on May 10th.
Bid packets were recieved back and the lowest bidder came in 0,000 over budget. Project on hold for apx. 6 months and will attempt rebid.
Preparing to rebid in March 2024.
Working with current contractors to bring building codes and design up to date.
The department has decided to move forward with the purcahse of 2 picnic pavilions, playground equipment, climbing equipment, ninja course equipment, walking paths and site work. This portion of the project is scheduled to be complete by April 2025.
Purchase orders for the purchase and installation of the new amenitites, site work and walking paths was approved. Purchase orders have been issued and approved aubmittals have been provided to the vendors.
The new amenities are currently in the permitting process and installation is scheduled to begin in January 2025.
Demolition of existing picnic shleters is complete and demolition of existing playground is complete and preparation for the installation of new amenities has begun.
Phase | Cost |
Design | $140,405.00 |
Construction | $904,000.00 |
Total Budget | $1,044,405.00 |
Phase | Estimated Start Date | Forecast Completion | Actual Completion |
Design Development | 02/13/2019 | 12/30/2021 |
Supporting Materials
Project Phase
Last Updated
Project Manager
Lacey Solomon
Public Relations
Lacey Solomon
Email Public Relations
Project Number
Sponsor Department
Community Services
Design Engineer/Architect
Johnson Engineering, Inc.